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2020-10-23| 发布者: 奎文资讯网| 查看: 135| 评论: 1|文章来源: 互联网

摘要: 犀角是非常有名的牙角料之一。人们常说的“竹木牙角”四大雕器中的”角”,主要指的就是犀角。在中国古代,犀......


Rhinoceros horn is one of the most famous dental horns. The "horns" of the four great carving tools often referred to as "bamboo and wooden tooth horns" mainly refer to rhino horns. In ancient China, rhino horns were very precious, and they were mostly tribute gifts between countries. "Book of Han" records: "The Emperor Zhao Tuo of Nanyue offered ten rhino horns to Emperor Wen." "The Warring States Policy of Chu Ce" records: The King of Chu "sends an envoy to a hundred rides, and presents the rhinoceros of the horror of chickens, and the bii of luminous light. To the king of Qin." As the age-old rhino horns will be eroded, there are few and few finished rhino horns that have been handed down. There are now less than 5,000 rhino horn carvings in the country, and they are basically works of the Ming and Qing Dynasties. Rhinoceros horn sculpture is the most famous and expressive form of creation. It has always been sought after by people and is known as a rare treasure in ancient artifacts.


Rhinoceros horns, namely rhino horns, are the horns of rhinoceros species such as the Indian rhinoceros, Java rhinoceros, Summon rhinoceros. Nature and taste are sour and salty, cold. It is a medicine for clearing away heat and cooling blood. Function to clear away heat, cool blood, calm convulsions and detoxify. Because of the high medicinal value of rhino horn, hunters are almost frantically hunting rhinos. Asian rhinos are gradually facing extinction. The medicinal value of Asian rhino horns is irreplaceable and extremely precious.



The price of raw rhino horn has skyrocketed, making many big collectors and scholars dumbfounded. The raw material of rhino horn is extremely rare and has irreplaceable medicinal value. Therefore, the market has been heating up in recent years. Now one gram of rhino horn is worth

Tens of thousands of yuan, negative the title of China's first elixir.

《亚洲犀牛角(独角犀)1710克》 物以犀为贵,中国古代犀牛角是名药之首,在整个中东和远东地区被誉为它可以(起死回生),是药用价值非常高的(灵丹妙药),其中亚洲犀的药物价值比非洲的高十倍以上。年代越是久远的犀牛角,更是远远超过了黄金ND倍的价格。古代时期拥有犀牛角是人们身份和地位的代表,犀牛角同时也是用来辟邪镇凶保宅平安珍贵地位非常高,而如今更是具有抗癌的效果,可以抑制癌症种类的生长。 该藏品《亚洲犀牛角(独角犀)有1710克》是中国贵州少数民族布依族500多年前祖上传下来的镇宅之宝。

"Asian Rhinoceros Horn (One-horned Rhinoceros) 1710 grams" Rhinoceros horn is the most precious material. Ancient Chinese rhino horn is the first of the famous medicines. It is known as it can (resurrected) in the entire Middle East and the Far East. It has a very high medicinal value. (Elixir), the medicine value of Asian rhinoceros is more than ten times higher than that of Africa. The older the rhino horn is, the price far exceeds ND times the price of gold. In ancient times, the possession of rhino horn was a representative of people’s identity and status. Rhinoceros horn was also used to ward off evil spirits and protect the house. Its status is very high. Now it has an anti-cancer effect and can inhibit the growth of cancer types. The collection "Asian Rhinoceros Horn (One-horned Rhinoceros) has 1710 grams" is a treasure of the town house uploaded by the ancestors of the Buyi ethnic minority in Guizhou, China over 500 years ago.





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